Monday, 19 April 2010

19th April

I will do a blog for the last few weeks soon, because they have been awesome!

It is exactly one month today until I am 20. Only one month of being a teenager left! Scary!


Monday, 29 March 2010


The week has finally arrived!!!

This week I am going to the 5th Anniversary performance of Billy Elliot, and the first performance of Hair in London! I am very, very excited, it feels like i've been waiting forever for the 31st march 2010!

Despite the fact I am feeling fairly crappy right now, I am sure I am going to have a great week!

Friday, 12 March 2010


Didn't get the job...

in other news, my current phone contract is up so i have just ordered an Iphone... i am finally joining the iphone club, no longer will I feel left out on film sets where everyone else is busy on their iphones!

Also, because I didn't get the job, I can now go on the family holiday to America at easter... good news!

Monday, 8 March 2010


I've seen Alice in Wonderland twice already....

There I've said it.

Friday, 5 March 2010


I have an interview next week, and I'm quite nervous about it. It's a job I really, really want, and I really don't want to cock up the interview, so I'm working hard so I can (hopefully) ace the interview and get the job. I'm only nervous because I want the job so much! Trying not to get my hopes up or anything, but I can't help thinking how great it would be to move to Cardiff and work on this show!

In other news, it's Friday 5th March, which means Alice and Wonderland is coming out today, so obviously I am seeing it today, (I've seen everything Tim Burton has ever made, the man is a god!) can't wait to see it!

Molly (the Labradoodle) has definitely hit puberty, she's stopped listening to us and wants to go out and have a good time constantly...Much like my sister really!

25 days till Billy Elliot 5th anniversary show, 28 days till Hair! say I am exctied is an understatement!


Tuesday, 23 February 2010


Not really a blog, but I found this song I love so, so much, it's from Peter Pan 2, but don't let that put you off!

in other news, I got a flat tyre today, so can't afford a new one!

Monday, 22 February 2010

Awards, boredom and flapjacks

Hi blog,

So the Whatsonstage awards were good fun, shame the wrong people won in most cases, but what do you expect when it's a public vote. Some great live performances though, Charlotte Wakefield from Spring Awakening was a particular highlight with a great rendition of 'Superboy and the invisible girl' from the musical 'Next to Normal'(I wish this show would come to the west end, its so so good).

At the moment I am sat at home doing very little, I can't work on getting the musical i wanted to put on sorted because another local group got the license first, and the other musical I want to do isn't available yet. I'd be working if I could, but there is just nothing around at the moment. It's the longest I've gone without working ever, and to be honest, I'm getting more and more worried everyday, I'm sending my cv off to lots of people and applying for lots of jobs, but I'm just getting no reply or a rejection every time, and I can feel my self esteem slipping everytime that happens.

It would be easier if I lived closer to most of my friends, but I don't and can't afford to move. Most of the time I'm by myself at the moment, and whilst I often choose to be alone, I can't help feeling increasingly lonely!

I'm hoping for a miracle, I have applied for a job on 'The Sarah Jane Adventures' shot in Cardiff, I'd love to work on that, and I know I'd be great at the job too. But it's a BBC job, and I expect i'm young compared to all other applicants, so I kind of feel like I have no chance at it, even though I'd be so perfect for that job!

Damn these online applications, if they just met me they'd realise I'd be great at the job!

Anyway, I made some damn good flapjacks today, so that's one achievement I guess!


Monday, 8 February 2010

I'm a rubbish blogger

I'm very rubbish at this blogging thing. I want to blog all the time but I just get distracted by other things!

Anyway rib pain is at an all time low thanks to the miracle of a memory foam mattress! I'm sleeping so well and feeling so good during the day. So glad I bought the matress, what a revelation!!

I'm going to the Whatsonstage Awards on 14th, very, very excited! Might do a blog review to link to on twitter afterwards.


Tuesday, 5 January 2010

4th Jan... I failed

Yeah so I totally failed to blog yesterday, I thought I'd last a few more days without forgetting! damn it!

Anyway I haven't been sleeping much lately, I don't know what it is, I keep waking up all the time... strange :s

Sunday, 3 January 2010

3rd Jan

I haven't really done anything today, so here is an amusing video from my favourite comedian, Tim Minchin.

Saturday, 2 January 2010

I cried...

So David Tennant's last Doctor Who last night, and I cried like a baby.

I have hardly ever cry at tv or films, i think spending so much time on film sets does tend to ruin the illusion of most things for me. But I got very sucked in by Doctor Who and not only was it brilliant, funny and moving, it was one of those most heartbreaking pieces of Television I have ever seen.

David Tennant and Bernard Cribbins better get Baftas or something, they were superb. I particularly hope Cribbins gets the recognition, everyone knows how good David is!

Also saw St Trinians 2 today, I hope they keep making the St Trinians films, they are a great laugh.


Friday, 1 January 2010

2009 the review

Well I think 2009 turned out pretty great, some particular highlights were:

- Working on Gavin and Stacey!
- Getting my own Imdb page (sad I know, but 11 yr old me would be so proud!)
- Baseline, and the amazing friends I made from it!
- League of gentlemen at the BFI, I finally met them and I was so happy!
- We got our little labradoodle pup Molly, she's so funny and gorgeous nad I love her to pieces

2009 was mostly good, a few downers. I was completely let down by someone I loved, and felt a bit used and stupid about the whole thing. My dog Jakie died, and I miss him so much. I lost one of my best friends to her new life, and it makes me so sad knowing I may never see her again.

But hopefully nothing will suck as much this year!!!!

I saw some brilliant theatre this year, queueing up from 5am in the freezing cold to get a ticket to see David Tennant in Hamlet was the best thing I ever did, he was wonderful and I feel so lucky to have seen him.

One of my favourite musicals is Spring Awakening, it came to London (briefly) this year, and I managed to see it just once, but it was spectacular! So so so brilliant. I loved the music, the energy and the perfect cast.

I've seen Billy Elliot the musical 5 times now, 3 times this year. Its such a fantastic and dynamic show, great music, great staging, great cast and amazing dancing. Its a show that is different every time you see it and I can't wait to see it many more times this year!

I think this year has been great for films, I particularly loved Where the wild things are and District 9. I wish I could get to the cinema more!!!

TV has been great this year, Psychoville, Being Human and True Blood were my personal favourites, Beautiful people series 2 was, well, beautiful!!

Anyway, thats 2009, bring on 2010! Highlights this year I know are going to be Rent, the 31st March/ 1st April, and anything I work on!!!

Charlie :)

It's 2010! But also 'Black Friday'

Happy New Year one and all!

So its January 1st 2010, the first day of a new decade, but also the day which brings David Tennant's last episode of Doctor Who, hence why it's Black Friday.

I think in about 9 hours time I may be a sobbing wreck. I love DT's doctor and am going to miss him terribly!

anyway sad fan girl rant over, I'm about to do a posting of my favourite things from 2009 :)

Charlie x