Tuesday, 5 January 2010

4th Jan... I failed

Yeah so I totally failed to blog yesterday, I thought I'd last a few more days without forgetting! damn it!

Anyway I haven't been sleeping much lately, I don't know what it is, I keep waking up all the time... strange :s

Sunday, 3 January 2010

3rd Jan

I haven't really done anything today, so here is an amusing video from my favourite comedian, Tim Minchin.

Saturday, 2 January 2010

I cried...

So David Tennant's last Doctor Who last night, and I cried like a baby.

I have hardly ever cry at tv or films, i think spending so much time on film sets does tend to ruin the illusion of most things for me. But I got very sucked in by Doctor Who and not only was it brilliant, funny and moving, it was one of those most heartbreaking pieces of Television I have ever seen.

David Tennant and Bernard Cribbins better get Baftas or something, they were superb. I particularly hope Cribbins gets the recognition, everyone knows how good David is!

Also saw St Trinians 2 today, I hope they keep making the St Trinians films, they are a great laugh.


Friday, 1 January 2010

2009 the review

Well I think 2009 turned out pretty great, some particular highlights were:

- Working on Gavin and Stacey!
- Getting my own Imdb page (sad I know, but 11 yr old me would be so proud!)
- Baseline, and the amazing friends I made from it!
- League of gentlemen at the BFI, I finally met them and I was so happy!
- We got our little labradoodle pup Molly, she's so funny and gorgeous nad I love her to pieces

2009 was mostly good, a few downers. I was completely let down by someone I loved, and felt a bit used and stupid about the whole thing. My dog Jakie died, and I miss him so much. I lost one of my best friends to her new life, and it makes me so sad knowing I may never see her again.

But hopefully nothing will suck as much this year!!!!

I saw some brilliant theatre this year, queueing up from 5am in the freezing cold to get a ticket to see David Tennant in Hamlet was the best thing I ever did, he was wonderful and I feel so lucky to have seen him.

One of my favourite musicals is Spring Awakening, it came to London (briefly) this year, and I managed to see it just once, but it was spectacular! So so so brilliant. I loved the music, the energy and the perfect cast.

I've seen Billy Elliot the musical 5 times now, 3 times this year. Its such a fantastic and dynamic show, great music, great staging, great cast and amazing dancing. Its a show that is different every time you see it and I can't wait to see it many more times this year!

I think this year has been great for films, I particularly loved Where the wild things are and District 9. I wish I could get to the cinema more!!!

TV has been great this year, Psychoville, Being Human and True Blood were my personal favourites, Beautiful people series 2 was, well, beautiful!!

Anyway, thats 2009, bring on 2010! Highlights this year I know are going to be Rent, the 31st March/ 1st April, and anything I work on!!!

Charlie :)

It's 2010! But also 'Black Friday'

Happy New Year one and all!

So its January 1st 2010, the first day of a new decade, but also the day which brings David Tennant's last episode of Doctor Who, hence why it's Black Friday.

I think in about 9 hours time I may be a sobbing wreck. I love DT's doctor and am going to miss him terribly!

anyway sad fan girl rant over, I'm about to do a posting of my favourite things from 2009 :)

Charlie x